Fully licenced & certified Asbestos Assessors

Essential: Asbestos Inspection for Australian Home Buyers?

If you are considering buying a home in Australia, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential presence of asbestos in residential properties. Asbestos is a hazardous material that was commonly used in construction until the late 1980s, and its presence can pose significant health risks. To ensure the safety of your investment and the well-being of your family, it’s essential to understand the disclosure requirements and the need for asbestos building inspections in different states and territories across the country.

Asbestos Building Inspection New South Wales:

In New South Wales, both sellers and real estate agents must disclose the presence of asbestos in a residential property. If there is an asbestos assessment report prepared by a licensed asbestos assessor, it must be provided with the contract of sale. If no such report is available, the seller or agent must include the ACT Government’s asbestos advice with the contract of sale. Global Asbestos Audits can assist in conducting thorough asbestos assessments to ensure transparency during property transactions.

Asbestos Building Inspection Victoria:

In Victoria, the Real Estate Practitioners Code of Conduct mandates that agents disclose pertinent facts they are aware of regarding a transaction, including the presence of asbestos. Sellers must recommend that buyers obtain independent property valuation and legal advice before signing the contract. Global Asbestos Audits can provide expert advice on asbestos-related matters to protect the interests of both buyers and sellers.

Asbestos Building Inspection Queensland:

Queensland also requires disclosure of asbestos in residential properties. Agents must act honestly and professionally, not concealing any material facts about the property, including asbestos. Sellers and agents must supply prospective buyers with a Buyers Information Notice. Global Asbestos Audits can assist in evaluating the presence of asbestos in Queensland properties, ensuring transparency in property transactions.

Asbestos Building Inspection Western Australia:

In Western Australia, agents are obligated to act fairly, honestly, and in a reasonable manner, including ascertaining all pertinent facts related to a transaction. Sellers and agents must not knowingly conceal any material facts about the property, such as asbestos. Global Asbestos Audits can help ensure compliance with these requirements by providing comprehensive asbestos assessments.

Asbestos Building Inspection South Australia:

South Australia recommends adding a condition to the contract making the sale subject to a satisfactory building inspection report. Agents must act fairly and honestly and exercise due care when dealing with customers. Global Asbestos Audits can provide expert asbestos building inspection reports, including evaluations for asbestos presence, ensuring buyer and seller protection.

Independent Asbestos Building Inspections
By Global Asbestos Audits
Independent Asbestos Building InspectionsBy Global Asbestos Audits

Asbestos Building Inspection South Australia:

South Australia recommends adding a condition to the contract making the sale subject to a satisfactory building inspection report. Agents must act fairly, honestly and exercise due care when dealing with customers. Global Asbestos Audits can provide expert asbestos building inspection reports, including evaluations for asbestos presence, ensuring buyer and seller protection.

Asbestos Building Inspection Tasmania:

In Tasmania, agents must act honestly and exercise diligence in all dealings with persons involved in a transaction. Sellers and agents are obligated to disclose any material facts about the property, including asbestos. Global Asbestos Audits can assist in this process by conducting thorough asbestos assessments.

Asbestos Building Inspection Northern Territory:

In the Northern Territory, agents must act in good faith and exercise due care when acting for a client. They must also be honest in all dealings related to a property transaction. Sellers and agents must disclose material facts about the property, including asbestos. Global Asbestos Audits can provide professional guidance in asbestos disclosure and assessments.

Pre Purchase Asbestos Building Inspections
 Pre Purchase Asbestos Building Inspections 

In conclusion, whether you are buying or selling a home in Australia, it is essential to be aware of the disclosure requirements and the potential presence of asbestos. Global Asbestos Audits can play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and safety during property transactions by conducting thorough asbestos assessments. Don’t take any risks when it comes to asbestos; protect yourself, your family, and your investment by seeking professional guidance from Global Asbestos Audits.