Our company conducts exemplary asbestos audits to provide you with high-quality asbestos registers and management plans that are simple and easy for anyone to read. Global Asbestos Audits’ licensed asbestos assessors will ensure your Western Australian property complies with every changing Work Place Health and Safety regulation in Western Australia.
Review of Asbestos Register and Management Plan in Western Australia
April 21, 2022
Effective as of March 31, 2022, significant changes have been introduced to the work health and safety legislation in Western Australia. These alterations specifically pertain to the management of asbestos and fall under the purview of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, as well as the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022.
While asbestos management has generally improved across Western Australia, it is imperative to grasp the implications of these recent legislative changes, particularly concerning the review timelines for the asbestos register and its associated management plan. This is essential to ensure that asbestos-related risks are continuously minimised to the fullest extent reasonably practicable.
Under the provisions of the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, the requirements for the asbestos register and management plan are distinct. Individuals with management or control over a workplace are obligated to create and maintain an asbestos register that is not only current but also accurately reflects the location and type of asbestos, along with its condition. The register must be regularly reviewed and, if necessary, revised whenever additional asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are identified at the workplace or when asbestos is altered, removed, sealed, or enclosed within the premises.
Furthermore, it is essential to note that the asbestos register must undergo a mandatory review at least once every five years when the asbestos management plan is reviewed. This interconnection ensures that both the register and the management plan remain synchronised and up to date.
In summary, the recent legislative changes in Western Australia have brought about crucial updates in the management of asbestos. Compliance with these revisions is essential for those with responsibilities related to asbestos management in workplaces. Regular reviews of the asbestos register and the associated management plan, as stipulated by the Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022, are pivotal in upholding the safety and well-being of individuals within these environments.
Global Asbestos Audits are experts in the field and can help you navigate and comply with current regulations.
Contact Us for an appointment.
Take a look below to see elements included in our asbestos register and management plans

Full WHS Compliance

NATA Laboratory reports